Well, Maggie excused herself from goin' on account
of little Snow, she said she didn't go out much to evening parties for they took her strength so, and she felt that she needed all her strength to take care of her baby. "Take care of your baby!" Miss Green Smythe fairly screamed out the words, she wuz that horrow struck. "You take care of your baby? Why, my dear Mrs. Allen, I could not have understood you aright, you take care of your baby yourself!"
"Yes," sez Maggie quietly, "I take most of the care of my child myself, and I intend to do so."
Miss Green Smythe held up both of her hands in horrow and leaned back in her chair, "Well, that is something I wouldn't have believed if I hadn't heard it myself, that you are goin' to take care of your own child," and the idee seemed to upset her so that she hurried off earlier, I believe, than she would otherwise. But before she went she did git me to promise to attend a reception she wuz goin' to give before long; Maggie said she believed it would do me good to git out and have a little change.