the only child of Mr. Smith, is not with its Ma to Jonesville,
he is at another private asylum, not fur from the one that Eudora Francesca is in; it is an asylum for idiots and a sort of school to try to teach 'em what they can be taught.
And that he is there isn't the fault of any nurse. No, I should say it riz higher in profession and wuz the fault of the medical fraternity. All the year before he wuz born Miss Green Smythe wuz very delicate, but bein' so fashionable, she considered it necessary to wear a tight, a very tight cosset till the very day the baby wuz born, and her doctor never said a word agin it, so fur as I know, but realizin' how delicate she wuz and that her strength must be kep' up in some way, he ordered her to take stimulants, and she drinked, and she drinked, and she drinked. Why, I spoze from what I've hearn that she jest took barrels of wine and champagne and brandy. She never went half way in anything, not even Hottentots, of which more hereafter. And the stimulants bein' ordered she drinked continually. And when the boy wuz born it wuz a perfect idiot. Her fashionable doctor who ordered the stimulants said it wuz a "melancholy dispensation of Providence."
The doctor who attended Mr. Green Smythe, and an old friend of hisen, said it wuz "a melancholy judgment on fools." He wuz a quick tempered man, but honest and high learnt, and he wuz mad at the fashionable doctor and Miss Green Smythe, too. Well, it cured her of 'drinkin', anyway; she had always wanted a boy dretfully, and when the only one she had ever had wuz born a idiot it mortified her most to death, and she could never bear the sight of it, and had never laid her eyes on it since it wuz took to the private asylum.