Warn, that wuz their right name, but their Ma thought
that Green Smythe sounded fur more genteel, so she called 'em by that name, they have had dretful bad luck. Eudora's nurse wuz a good faithful creeter (that wuz after her Ma had married old Green, good land! she nussed 'em herself till then). But as I was sayin', Eudora's nurse wuz a valuable woman but had one fault; she would drink once in a while, and it wuz when she had one of her drunken fits that she dropped the little girl onto the marble hearth and hurt her spine, she suffered dretful and went to a private hospital the year her Ma wuz in Europe for the fifteenth time, the nurse stayin' with her and cryin' over her lots of times, they say, for she had a good heart.
Well, she stayed there for years till she got to be a young woman, while Miss Green Smythe took Medora Francina round with her considerable. She had a great-aunt on her Pa's side, Karen Happuck Warn, who wuz as rich as Creshus, her husband havin' made his money in a coal mine discovered on his rocky old farm up in Maine.
Well, this old lady bein' left without chick or child of her own, what should Miss Green Smythe do but take Medora Francina up there visitin'! And I spoze she done it from pure ambition and wantin' to advance her child's interests, she told her aunt that Medora's name wuz Karen Happuck Warn, and she called her all the time she wuz there Karen Happuck. Well, that tickled the old lady dretfully, and she seemed to like Medora first rate, and her Ma left her there most a year, while she went off, I believe it wuz to Algeria that time, or Cairo or somewhere.
The Warns wuz dretful religious folks, and Medora