*terin', and her diamonds immense. It said this Charity
Ball and Bazar wuz a great success, and her city might be proud of such a woman, her native land might be proud to own her as a child, and the Hottentot would rise up and call her blessed; it wuz a powerful editorial.
Another daily paper, which I took up next, said it wuz a vulgar affair; her dress wuz gaudy, her ornaments in poor taste, and it said that after the expenses of that bazar wuz paid not over one dollar and seventy-five cents would ever git to that heathen, and it wuz very doubtful if even that sum would ever reach him, owin' to the cupidity and selfishness of the intermediate links, Hottentot and American.
And the paper went onto say that the Hottentot didn't need clothin', anyway, and it wuz doubtful if he would spend the money for that purpose even if it ever reached him, for he had imbibed from Americans a strong love for alcoholic stimulants, and it wuz supposed by the editor that he would spend the money raised by the bazar in gettin' intoxicated on Boston whisky. It wuz a dretful discouragin' article. And in that same paper, right along in the next column describin' the affair Miss Greene Smythe had been lookin' forward to with such pride, wuz the dretful tragedy put down, the thing that took the nip out of Miss Greene Smythe, and made a different woman of her, so they say.
I hate to tell it; I hate to like a dog, but I must; it is the truth and has got to be told. Poor little Angenora! poor little thing! The nurse gin her too much of that opiate either through carelessness or meanness or sunthin'; 'tennyrate, she gin her an overdose that very night of the party. It wuz spozed the nurse wanted to