The time drawed near for me to go to Tamer's and visit with Celestine, and I cooked up good vittles and sights of 'em, knowin' that in my absence no paneky would soothe like that. I didn't mean to stay but two nights, but didn't know what might happen, they wuz such cases to urge me to stay when I got there.
I arrove on the appinted day with no casualities, and they wuz dretful glad to see me, Anna and Jack specially, Tamer and Cicero seemed to be sort o' absent-minded, I most knew they had got holt of some new novel, and so it turned out, it wuz "The Roaring Avenger of the Bloody Path" that wuz under perusal, and they couldn't hardly brook to have their attentions drawed off a minute, but Tamer finished it the afternoon of the day I got there, and then she seemed inclined to talk more, but her talk wuz real deprestin'. She had got the sinevetus she said beyend the doubt.
And I said, "Don't you believe you got it runnin' after Arabella?"
And she said, with a sithe, "Mebby it wuz so, and," sez she, "if it wuzn't so onfashionable to keep house without a servant I wouldn't keep her an hour, for she acts worse than ever and makes me more trouble than she duz good, enough sight."
Celestine seemed real glad to see me when she could git her attentions offen her landscapes and views and