"Yes," sez he, "I can go in and hear 'Curfew Must
Not Ring To-Night,' it will be a dretful treat!" and he added bitterly, "there hain't a dog in Jonesville but what knows that, and will run from it; but I can tell you, Samantha Allen, Curfew will git tired of ringin' for us if we don't start some time."
Sez I mildly, "I love to see folks act with some evenness. I couldn't git you started from bodily food a few minutes ago, and now I want to feed my mind hunger a little you are in a dretful tew to start."
"Well, come on then," he sez. "I may as well starve here as on the road!" and he hurried me into the tent. But it wuzn't "Curfew Musn't Ring To-Night," it wuz another piece, a sort of a tragedy, and spoke real good; the young woman did first rate.
Then the band played another piece, and then there wuz a great buzz of talkin' and laughin' goin' on, but pretty soon Miss Greene Smythe, who had come in on one side of the tent with her Danglers danglin' and her Lords in Waitin' a-waitin' and her Maids of Honor honerin', etc, etc., she stepped forward a little and sort o' shooed down the biggest noise about her, and when it wuz kinder still she said:
"We are going to have a great treat; we are going to have some b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l music."
At that a girl minced forward with kinder nippy steps and planted herself on the little raised platform and begun to yell and scream at the very top of her voice with her face lookin' like a trout havin' a fit, you know what immense mouths they've got. Well, if yellin' wuz a treat we got it. That female jest yelled herself red as blood in the face, and on the very topmost notes lifted herself up on her toes and shook herself as if she wuz goin' into a