And, best view of all to my fond heart, my companion
stood in the open barn door in his shirt sleeves feedin' the hens, and his face looked calm and reposeful as the seen. Tirzah and Delight got there a little the first, and as I lifted the sweet little creeter out it did seem, though I knew it couldn't be, that she wuz prettier than she wuz the last time I had seen her. But my cool reason told me how could that be, when she wuz jest as pretty as she could be on that occasion. She's got big, kinder talkin' eyes, a warm soft hazel, I guess they be, but they are so full of light and soul and expression that you don't care so much what the color really is, a fair, white complexion, wavy, flaxen hair, good features, and the sweetest mouth you ever see with most always a smile curvin' the rosy lips, and a pretty plump little figger most always dressed in white.
When she see me she held out her little soft white hands and arms, and I lifted her out, kissin' her warmly as I did so; I then greeted Tirzah Ann warmly, a good deal more warm than Ma-in-laws usually greet their stepchildren, but, good land! I have always considered her my own, jest as much as she wuz Josiah's, though not so soul congenial to me as Thomas J., she has her properties.
Well, they hadn't much more than alighted when Tamer Ann and Jack come. I wuz real glad to see 'em all, and, after they had took off their things, I got 'em into the settin' room, and went out and made a few more preparations for dinner, though I had a good dinner started. I had a stuffed fowl and some green peas on, and wuz intendin' to have some tomatoes cooked, and some fresh, crisp rolls and a good lemon puddin', besides