stiddy. But Hamen and John laughed like two big
gump heads about it, and the next evenin' when they wuz playin' they would call the two spot "Jacob" every time, and look at Jack and laugh till I felt that it wuz enough to make him swing right out and play cards Sunday, and not try to reconcile it with goodness and religion. But Tamer, when she found out about it, whipped him severe, she said it wuz irreverent and she wouldn't have it. And that wuz jest the way it wuz the hull durin' time.
Well, we didn't stay but a day or two after the Boliver affair. Josiah felt that he must be to home, so we went, Tamer promisin' Jack, who cried hard when we started, that he might come down and stay several days with us in a week or so, when she went to see Aunt Mary John she would leave him there and then stop and git him on her way home.