swept away the tracks with her besom. She came up to the gates, paused, and sniffing all around cried out: "Fu! fu! fu! I smell Russian breath! Who is here?"
Vasilisa approached the old dame with fear and trembling, and bowing low said: "It is I, grannie. My stepmother's daughters sent me to you to get some fire."
"Good!" exclaimed the Baba Yaga. "I know them. Live on, and do some work for me and then I will give you some fire; but if you do not do it, then I will eat you up."
She turned to the gates and cried: "Hey! my strong fence give way! Oh my high gates open!"
The gates opened and the Baba Yaga went in, and Vasilisa followed her, and then all was closed tight again. As soon as she entered the room the Baba Yaga stretched herself out and said to Vasilisa: "Bring me here what is on the stove; I want to eat."
Vasilisa lighted a splinter at the skulls' eyes on the fence and began to take down the food from the stove and give it to the Baba Yaga. There was enough for ten men. From the cellar she brought bread and meat, beer and wine. The old dame ate and drank, leaving for Vasilisa only