Sir Des.
Sir Des.
The bridegroom comes—
Likewise the bride—
The maidens are very
Elated and merry;
They are her chums.
To lash their pride
Were almost a pity,
The pretty committee!
But duty, duty must be done;
The rule applies to every one,
And painful though that duty be,
To shirk the task were fiddle-de-dee!
[Exeunt Richard and Sir Despard.
Enter Chorus of Bridesmaids and Bucks
Chorus of Bridesmaids
Hail the bride of seventeen summers:
In fair phrases
Hymn her praises;
Lift your song on high, all comers,
She rejoices
In your voices.
Smiling summer beams upon her,
Shedding every blessing on her:
Maidens greet her—
Kindly treat her—
You may all be brides some day!
Chorus of Bucks
Hail the bridegroom who advances,
Yet elated.
He's in easy circumstances,
Young and lusty,
True and trusty: