Popular Copyright Novels
Ask your dealer for a complete list of A. L. Burt Company's Popular Copyright Fiction
Motor Maid, The C. N. and A. M. Williamson
Moth, The William Dana Orcutt
Mountain Girl, The Payne Erskine
Mr. Bingle George Barr McCutcheon
Mr. Grex of Monte Carlo E. Phillips Oppenheim
Mr. Pratt Joseph C. Lincoln
Mr. Pratt's Patients Joseph C. Lincoln
Mrs. Red Pepper Grace S. Richmond
My Demon Motor Boat George Fitch
My Friend the Chauffeur C. N. and A. M. Wilttamson
My Lady Caprice Jeffrey Farnol
My Lady of Doubt Randall Parrish
My Lady of the North Randall Parrish
My Lady of the South Randall Parrish
Mystery Tales Edgar Allan Poe
Ne'er- Do- Well, The Rex Beach
Net, The Rex Beach
New Clarion, The Will N. Harben
Night Riders, The Ridgwell Cullum
Night Watches W. W. Jacobs
Officer 666 B. W. Carrie and A. McHugh
Once Upon a Time Richard Harding Davis
One Braver Thing Richard Dehan
One Way Tratil, The Ridgwell Cullum
Otherwise Phyllis Meredith Nicholson
Out of the Primitive Robert Ames Bennet
Pair of Silk Stockings Cyril Harcourt
Palace of Darkened Windows M. H. Bradley
Pardners Rex Beach
Parrot & Co Harold MacGrath
Partners of the Tide Joseph C. Lincoln
Passionate Friends, The H. G. Wells
Patience of John Moreland, The Mary Dillon
Patrol of the Sun Dance Trail Ralph Connor
Paul Anthony, Christian Hiram W Hayes
People's Man, A E. Phillips Oppenheim
Perch of the Devil Gertrude Atherton
Peter Ruff E. Phillips Oppenheim
Phillip Steele James Oliver Curwood
Phra the Phoenician Edwin L. Arnold