descended. He smiled cheerfully at the king, bowed with mock politeness, and quite airily waved his hand.
"Good morning, Cousin," he said. "I hope I see you well?"
The king stared at him with smouldering eyes. The princess tossed her head, turned her back, and walked into the castle.
"She doesn't seem fond of me, Cousin," whimsically exclaimed the usurper.
The king disdained reply.
"It's a very cold, formal, inhospitable place to which you have brought me, Mr. Kent," observed the baron, turning toward the American with an air of gentle reproof. "I had anticipated a welcome! Glad shouts from the peasantry! Ringing of joy bells in the castle."
"Why?" questioned Kent, drily. "Perhaps none of us regarded you as worth it." He suddenly dropped all badinage and turned to Baron Von Hertz, who had returned from his mission. "I suppose you have some place where you can keep our guest securely?"
"Several very fine, unhealthy dungeons here," cheerfully replied the baron.
The American thoughtfully stared at the usurper, and then said, "No, I don't think I like that. I don't want him to contract typhus, or influenza, or croup. He's too nice a boy for that. Besides,