"It struck me that this was rather a tribute to the respect entertained for Rosenthal by Trocas.
"'Indeed?' said I, somewhat idly.
"He sighed. 'It is a tedious journey, but I requested General Trocas to commit the care of the men to me, as I expected to find here a friend'—he smirked at me—'a lady in whom I am interested.'
"I laughed indulgently. 'You young officers are roving blades,' said I. 'One cannot blame the ladies, however.'
"He brightened, then sighed again. 'It is very sad,' said he. 'I learn from the keeper of the hotel that she has sailed for Curaçao on the steamer before this. She was very beautiful, a Portuguese. ' He twirled his thin mustache.
"'Permit me to offer my sympathy,' said I. 'But, of course, there is still wine left, if the lady has gone, ' and I ordered another bottle of champagne.
"Before the bottle was finished, Doctor, he
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