Just before supper, several young ladies met in the dressing-room to repair damages; and, being friends, they fell into discourse, as they smoothed their locks, and had their tattered furbelows sewed or pinned up by the neat-handed Phillis in waiting.
When each had asked the other, "How do I look to-night, dear?" and been answered with reciprocal enthusiasm, "Perfectly lovely, darling!" Kitty said to Rose, who was helping her to restore order out of the chaos to which much exercise had reduced her curls,—
"By the way, young Randal is dying to be presented to you. May I after supper?"
"No, thank you," answered Rose, very decidedly.
"Well, I'm sure I don't see why not," began Kitty, looking displeased, but not surprised.
"I think you do, else why didn't you present him when he asked? You seldom stop to think of etiquette: why did you now?"
"I didn't like to do it till I had—you are so particular—I thought you'd say 'No;' but I couldn't tell him so," stammered Kitty, feeling that she had better have settled the matter herself; for Rose was very particular, and had especial reason to dislike this person, because he was not only a dissipated young reprobate himself, but seemed possessed of Satan to lead others astray likewise.
"I don't wish to be rude, dear: but I really must decline; for I cannot know such people, even though I