Alphabetical List of Books in Bohn's Libraries.
26 Alphabetical List of Books in Bohris Libraries.
WILLIAM of MALMESBURY'S Chronicle of the Kings of Eng- land, from the Earliest Period to the Reign of King Stephen. Translated by the Rev. J. Sharpe. Edited by J. A. Giles, D.C.L. $s. XENOPHON'S Works. Trans- lated by the Rev. J. S. Watson, M.A., and the Rev. H. Dale. In 3 vols. $s. each. YOUNG (Arthur). Travels In France during the years 1787, 1788. and 1789. Edited by M. Betham Edwards. 3*. 6d. YOUNG (Arthur). Tour In Ire- land, with General Observations on the state of the country during the years 1776-79. Edited by A. W. Hutton. With Complete Bibliography by J. P. Ander- son, and Map. 2 vols. 35. 6d. each. YULE-TIDE STORIES. A Col- lection of Scandinavian and North- German Popular Tales and Tra- ditions, from the Swedish, Danish and German. Edited by B.Thorpe.