half-barrel of herring fell aboard, in a writhing, flipping heap, alight with phosphorus.
More splashing, and a few more tumbled in. "’T won't do," grunted Peter. "Not 's many 's they seem. Head 'er out again, sir. They 're tryin' to drive 'em—with the torches."
Archer turned the boat, and pulled out to sea, until the order came to turn again.
"I 'll light the dragon," said Peter. "This is against the law, ye know, sir, but the law ain't got 's long an arm 's they say."
With a crackle of birch-bark and the smell of burning kerosene, a light flared up as if their bow had been on fire. Other torches flared far along the water, coursing shoreward till the giant shadows of men and rocks tossed and swung high on the dim red crags.
"Keep 'er headed just as she is," commanded Peter. "Now pull like the devil, sir."
Archer obeyed till the sweat trickled down his forehead. "A little faster, sir—a little