Warre and Vavasour^ 1845-6.
75 by Lieut. Fremont and Dr. White (Indian agent for the U. States), who endeavored to penetrate by this route, across the Cascade Mountains, we cannot beheve that wagons, etc., can ever be. brought, across. Lieut. Fremont succeeded in forcing a passage, with the loss of all his horses, and great suffering to himself and men.* Dr. White returned to the settlement and declared it quite impracticable. Dr. White returned to the United States in August last at- tended by only three or four men. We regret to hear that he encountered a war party of Sioux Indians, after he had made the passage of the Rocky Mountains, who attacked and it is reported murdered the whole party, f The rain continued with but little interruption, notwith- standing which we visited the inner channel of the Willamette River, and the settlements situated on the left banks. We found this channel obstructed by numerous "snags" or fallen trees. Having landed at the settlement on Sauvis or Multnomah Island, which we found much flooded by the high water, we crossed the river to a small settlement near its mouth, called "Skapoose," where half a dozen American and Canadian fami- lies are located on the low ground between the river and a range of lofty hills, running parallel to the left bank. The ground is good, but liable to be completely inundated during the seasons of high water. From thence we crossed the hills to a large settlement on a fine rich, open prairie country called the "Tuality Plains," where about 150 Canadians, half breed, and American famihes are settled. The route across the Willamette Hills was about impassable on account of the heavy rains. The creeks and swamps were flooded and very difficult to traverse. In the dryest season this road is only passable for cattle and horses, and is the track used by the Indian tribes. The country is densely . covered with pine and cedar.
- This is a misconception as to Fremont's 1843-4 route.
jBut Dr. White, rather characteristically, lived "to tell the tale!"