Warre and Vavasour^ 1845-6.
61 Warre and Vavasour's Report October 26, 1845. Enclosure 3. CENSUS. Of the Indian Tribes in the Oregon Territory from Lat. 42** to Lat. 54®, derived from the Trading Lists of the Hudson's Bay Company and from best obtainable infor- mation. Fort Vancouver — 1845. Names of Tribes. Where Situated. Male F'm'le Slaves Total Inacotts, Newette and 27 other tribes speaking par- tially theQuocott language Massettes and 13 tribes not included with the above, and speaking different languages. Nass Indians, 4 tribes, speaking the same lan- guage. Chtmsegans, 10 tribes, all of whom speak the same language, with a different idiom. Skeena Indians, 2 tribes. . . Sabossas Indians, 5 tribes — MiLBANK Sd., 9 tribes .... Clallams, Canoitetines 24 tribes, speaking Clal- lam and Canoitetines Ian guage New Caledonia, 8 tribes . . Lanetch Indians, 3 tribes. Children under 12 years, 99 Hallams, 11 tribes Children under 12 yrs., 476 Sinahoimish, 1 tribe Children under 12 yrs., 230 Skatcat, 1 tribe Children imder 12 yrs. 191 Convitihin, 7 tribes Children under 12 yrs. 585 Do., tribes not as yet ascer tained, say Lake Indians, 1 tpibe Children under 12 yrs. 12 Cape Flattery and Gulf of Georgia Indians (Exact Nos. not ascertained) Nesquallt, 13 tribes Two Tribes Chinooks, Clatsops, etc . . . Klickttats, several tribes . . Kalapooias Clackamas Chinooks, Kalapooias, etc. 4 tribes KiLAMOOKS, 3 tribes From Lat. 540 to Lat. 50**, including Queen Char- lotte's Ids., N. end of Van- couver Id., Milbank' Sd. and Id., and the main shore On Queen Charlotte's Island, not included in the above. Nass River, on main land. Chatham Sd., Portland Can al. Port Epington and other neighboring islands At mouth of Skeena River . Gardener's Canal, etc Milbank Sd. and vicinity. . Lat. 50° along coast to Whidby's Ids. in Lat. 48", Pt. of Vancouver's Island and mouth of Eraser Rv . About forts so designated . . De FucaSt., Vancouver Ids De Fuca St. and Vancouver Do. Do. Do. Clamets, several tribes Walla Walla, Nez Perces Quakers, and several tribes near R. Nilo. CoLviLLE and Spokane . . . Okanogan, several tribes. . Kallispelms, Several tribes KooTENOis, several tribes . Do. About. NesquaUy River and P. S On CowUtz River (about) Near mouth of Columbia Near Ft. Vancom'^er Willamette VaUey Willamette Valley Along Columbia On sea coast bet. mouth of Columbia and Umpqua Rogue River, etc On Snake River to n Rocky Mountains .... Near Ft. Colville On Okanogan and Piscons Rivers On the Flathead On Clarke's River McGil's R., Flat Bow Lake 19020 3232 857 1202 195 717 784 3176 1265 194 517 208 173 542 39 1835 20215 3381 746 1225 120 601 797 3383 1150 152 461 118 161 636 1997 1570 None 12 68 7 111 47 2868 210 None 40 13 18 None None 182 40805 6613 1615 2495 322 1429 1628 9427 2625 445 1485 569 543 1763 300 90 1250 4014 500 429 500 300 200 800 1500 800 3000 450 300 300 450
Total population 33956 35182 | 5146 86947