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Warre and Vavasour, 1845-6.

37 counteract the influence which the United States Government is acquiring over the Indian tribes and British settlers, by means of a cordon of military posts, which have been already formed, or are in course of construction, along their northern frontier, extending from Michelimacinac, by the Sault de St. Marie, La Pointe, Prairie du Chien, Lake St. Peter and Coun- cil Bluffs, and from thence up the Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers to the Rocky Mountains, and your Lordship will fur- ther observe that I have in the same communication pointed out the situations where I think such British posts might be most advantageously established ; the practicability and ex- pense of conveying the troops, and the resources of the coun- try for their maintenance. So dangerous do I consider the influence thus acquired by the American Government to the British interests on the frontier that I am induced respectfully to request your Lordship's favorable consideration of the remedy for this evil which I have taken the liberty of point- ing out. As it may be of interest to your Lordship to possess the latest information in reference to the proceedings of a public character in Oregon, I have the honor to transmit herewith some extracts from a dispatch I have addressed the Governor and Committee of the Hudson's Bay Company on that sub- ject, which contains every particular worthy of notice. Herewith I forward a packet addressed to your Lordship, which was entrusted to my care by Messrs. Warre and Vava- sour and with much respect. I have the honor, etc., etc. [No. 9.] Fort Vancouver, Columbia River, November i, 1845. My Lord: We have the honor to forward, according to your Lordship's instructions, the accompanying letters, ad- dressed to the Secretary of State for the Colonies, containing such information as we have been able tO' collect up to the

present date, on the Oregon Territory.

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