Index in mercantile business giving price list of merchandise, 391-3. L LeEj Colonel R. E., report of proceed- ings as colonel commanding in secur- ing the surrender of John Brown's party at Harper's Ferry, 317-24. LymaNj Professor W. D., author of work on the Columbia River, 236-7. M McDonald, Finan, 335; 337; 340-2; 3SI- McKay, Thos., 335; 340, 345. Mackenzie, Alexander, journey of, to the Pacific Ocean and the discovery of the Fraser River which he named Tacoutche, 104-5; source of the mis- take that imputes to him the sugges- tion that the Eraser River was the Columbia, 107. McLouGHLiN, Dr., Warre and Vava- sour were supposed to be spying upon, 1-2; dedication of the home of, 385-9. Malade River, origin and name of, 355. Malheur River, incident from which name was received, 353. Meany, Professor Edmond S., author of History of the State of Washing- ton, 236. Metcalfe, Lord, Governor-General of Canada, suggestions of, to Lieutenant Warre, 7. Methodist Church, membership in 1849, 119-20; activity in politics, 127. Militia, Warre and Vavasour report up- on recommendation of Governor Aber- nethy of an efficient organization ot, 63-4. Modoc War Peace Commission, 123. o Ogden, Peter Skene, Sir George Simp- son's letter of instructions to, in con- nection with his part in military re- connoissance of 1845-6, 32-5. Ogden, The Peter Skene, Journals, 331-365; text of journal of second expedition to Snake country, 335-365; catch of beaver on second expedition, 36s. O'Hara, Edwin V., DeSmet in the Oregon country, 239-262. Oregon Agricultural College lands, se- lection of, 374-5- Oregon Agricultural growth, 186-190. Oregon Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the first, 122. Oregon and California Mission Confer- ence of the Methodist Church, first organized, Sept. 5, 1849; 119. Oregon Constitutional Convention, atti- tude and ideas expressed in debates of, on financial matters, 267-71. Oregon Constitution, provisions of, con- ditioning features of system of fi- nances of state, 271-80. Oregon farms in 1900, 176-86. Oregon mternal improvement land grant, selection of, 371-7. Oregon lands, selection of, 371-84. Oregon, land tenure in, and in other states, 145-51; in the counties of Oregon, 15 1-5. Oregon Leases, copies of, 212-35. Oregon, mortgages in, 173-5. Oregon people, reluctance of, to assume burden of the support of a state gov- ernment, 263-6. Oregon's public domain, 366-84. Oregon, public lands in, disposition of, 138-40. Oregon salt springs grant, failure to secure, 377-8. Oregon semi-centennial of admission into Union observed, 236. Oregon tax system, 281-95. Oregon topography, 136-7. Oregon University lands, selection of, 373-4. Owyhee River, origin of name of, 353. P Pacific Fur Company, 353-5. Pakenham, negotiates American-Brit- ish controversy over Oregon, 2; dis- suades from plan actually to fortify Cape Disappointment, 8. Parliament discusses the claims to the Oregon country on receipt of news of position taken by President Polk in his inaugural messages, 5. Peel, Sir Robert, inquiries concerning comparative strength of American and Britisti settlements upon the Co- lumbia, 4. Polk, President, pronounces American claim to the whole of Oregon "clear and unquestionable," 5. Portland Academy and Female Semi- nary, 121-2. Prices current for labor and provisions at Red River settlement, June, 1845, 31. R Roberts, William, comes to Oregon with Wilbur, 117; holds first religious services in what is now the city of Portland, 119; administrative officer and active member of Methodist Epis- copal Church, 127. Ross' "Fur Hunters of Far West," source of information on Snake country fur trading operations, 332. s Schafer, Joseph, editor documents rel- ative to Warre and Vavasour's mili- tary reconnoissance in Oregon, 1845- 6, 1-99. Schafer, Lily Abbott, sketcher of Warre and Vavasour reproduced
maps and charts, 2,