Snake Expedition, 1825- 1826
363 inducement as they discharge this castoreum, abandon the fe- male to the young and will live on grass till the sap of the trees ceases flowing and flowers from blooming, when they com- mence preparing their winter habitation; they are at present very shy. Our last party were to have ascended Sandwich Island River and to have trapped it ; and I am surprised not to see them. I rewarded our guide to the amount of eight skins, Indian tariff, and he was highly pleased. Mr. McKay discov- ered some Snake Indians concealed in the hills, no doubt to steal our horses. This day 44 beaver, which enables us once more to feast. The discontent was dispelled. Gaiety reigns in camp. Monday, June 12th. Last night we were alarmed by the guide caUing out "Thieves." An Indian was seen near the horses, but made his escape; had he delayed two hours longer, when all the camp would have been asleep, he would have suc- ceeded; it will have a good effect on the men. Canadians in general require an alarm every few days to keep on guard. Some of our traps were stolen last night ; suspect men ( ?) the camp's. This day we finished our second thousand beaver. If our absent men are safe I trust them to add a thousand more. Wednesday, June 14th. We trust to chance now as we have no guide and all are equally ignorant of this country. Two Snake Indians, well-mounted, came boldly to camp ; they gave us some idea of the road, and no tiding of our absent men. God grant no accident has befallen them. Thursday, June 15th. All along our route this day the plains were covered with women digging roots; at least 10 bushels were traded by our party; the men (Indians) all gone to join the Fort Nez Perces Indians. Reached a fork of Owy- hee River. Still no account of our men. Sunday, June i8th. The stones are as sharp as flints ; our tracks could be followed by the blood from our horses' feet.
Monday, June 26th. Very evident our absent men have