Peter Skene Ogden Journals so averse are they to trade provisions, nor do I blame them in such a wretched country; nor would they remain in this quarter, but the dread of losing their scalps. They are sur- rounded on all sides by enemies ; are at peace with Flatheads and Nez Perces, but have the Crows, the Utas, the Saskatche- wan tribes to guard against. Friday, June 8th. Had a visit from the Snakes. Within the last 10 months they have plundered 180 traps from the Americans and guns, knives and other articles. This, with 13 men murdered in 1825, is sufficient to make them independent of trade. The Americans swear to make an example of them ; I do hope from my soul they may. Saturday, June loth. We started at an early hour ; one of the trappers reports that yesterday he saw a party of Indians, 30 in number, who, on seeing him, went off at full speed and took to the mountains. Some are of the opinion they have killed our men left here, or suspect us to be Americans. I feel most anxious about the six men we were to find in this quarter ; so far no tidings of them ; this gives me hope they are safe; by the route we are taking we cannot be long with- out hearing from them ; I only hope we shall find them alive and well loaded with beaver; we require all to make up our three thousand.^ Saw a family of Indians on the move; they had no horses and are well loaded — men, women and children w^th roots ; they endeavored to escape from us. They were allowed to pass without molestation. This is the season of roots in this quarter the bitter and another a good substitute for flour, if it were dried. The seed of the sunflower they also collect for food, but it does not appear to be common here. Six beaver from 50 traps today ; course, northwest north, 14 miles. Sunday, June 11. We have every cause to apprehend some treachery from suspicious manner of the Indians. At this sea- son beaver are not easily taken. The bait of castoreum is no
I Confirms note on entry of April loth.