Peter Skene Ogden Journals company's than last year. We traded from them 93 large and small beaver and two otter seasoned skins at a reasonable rate and received 81. 12^ beavers in part payment of their debts due the company, also two notes of hand from Mr. Monton (Mon- tain) for his balance, Patrick Prudhomme and Pierre Sinani- togans.^ We secured all the skins they had. Our deserters are already tired of their new masters and from their manner will soon return to us. They promised to reach the Flatheads this fall. I cannot imagine how the Americans can afford to sell their beaver to reap profit when they pay $3 per pound for coarse or fine, but such is the case. Tuesday, April nth. Separated from the Americans. They ascended the stream ; we descended. Goddin's son, having re- quested to join his father, and being a worthless scamp, I gave him his liberty, the Americans having advanced three beaver to make up his debt. Young Findlay has joined our camp, a Canadian by name Lounge has joined with traps and horses. Not one of our party appeared the least inclined to desert; so much to their credit. Thursday, April 15th. The Piegan chief will leave us to- morrow; he tells us we cannot be too much on our guard; that we are surrounded by war parties. Saturday, April 15th. Weather mild, wind strong. The Piegans have set fire to the plains to destroy us or collect war parties to surround us. Saturday, April 22d. Guard informs us three halfbreeds are bent on desertion. I secured their horses, arms and blankets. They do not relish the idea of a journey on foot and followed us ; one of them, for his impudence, received a drubbing from me. We camped within two miles of the American Falls. Saturday, April 29th. Twelve buffalo killed for provisions back. , 1 Eighty-one pounds, twelve shillings.
2 Tinanitogans.