Snake Expedition, 1825-1826
359 Tuesday, April 4th. Blackfeet seen near camp, but secreted themselves. These villains appear determined to watch every opportunity to steal our horses. Forty beaver today. Friday, April 7th. Mr. McKay and man who went buffalo hunting arrived safe about 10 o'clock ; had a narrow escape ; saw the enemy at a distance and had full time to conceal them- selves. So far well. Shortly after four of the party in pursuit of the Snakes arrived ; starvation obliged them to return ; they have seen the track of a war party ; we are surrounded on all sides by enemies ; if we escape, we shall be lucky ; little done towards progress home; obliged to keep on our guard. One beaver. Saturday, April 8th. Early this morning upwards of 100 Indians came ; many strange faces. We did not allow them to come too near our camp ; many are well armed, but not stocked with ammunition; one of the trappers was again pursued by the Blackfeet; these rascals will not allow us to remain quiet till an example be made of some of them. Some meat dried today for the journey home. Sunday, April 9th. Forty Blackfeet seen near camp ; we did not allow them to enter ; traded horse slings from them. About 10 a. m. we were surprised by the arrival of a party of Ameri- cans and some of our deserters of last year, 28 in all. If we were surprised they were more so from an idea that the threats of last year would have prevented us from returning to this quarter, but they find themselves mistaken; they camped a short dis- tance away ; all quiet. With the glass we could observe Black- feet scattered about the hills watching our motions. Five beaver. Monday, April loth. The second watch gave us a start from our beds, Mr. McKay having fired on an Indian detected in the act of stealing a horse. This fellow will not make an- other attempt. The strangers paid me a visit and I had a busy
day settling with them, and more to my satisfaction and the