Snake Expedition, 1825-1826
351 Wednesday, 25th. Continued ascending river easterly 6 miles, then N. E. 6 miles. From the starving state we are in I cannot wait for the men in the rear ; 6 beaver and one otter. Thursday, 26th. Ice forming on river ; course east by north 8 miles over a lofty range of hills bare of wood N. E. Here we leave the waters of Day's River. Since joining Mr. Mc- Donald, allowing we had one hundred hunters, had we not our traps we must have starved to death. Where the Indians of this part resort in winter I cannot (tell) ; have no doubt con- cealed in the mountains ; 6 horses to and work to reach camp last night 12 beaver and my Snake hunter killed one antelope. Friday, 27th. My guide refuses to proceed; says road is bad and horses require day's rest. I was obliged to comply. Thank God, when we get across the mountains I trust I shall soon reach Snake River or south branch of the Columbia; 9 beaver and i otter. Saturday, 28th. Our guide says there are 6 ft. of snow in mountains ; impossible to pass in this direction ; must try another. Many in the camp are starving. For the last ten days only one meal every two days. Still the company's horses must not fall a sacrifice. We hope when we are across the moun- tains to fare better; today 4 beaver. Sunday, 29th. Three inches of snow ; raised camp for S. E. 6 miles ; our guide says he intends to return. A horse this day killed ; on examining his feet, the hoof entirely worn away and only raw stump.^ February 2. We are now on the waters of the south branch of the Columbia. February 3. This surely is the Snake Country; as far as the eye can reach, nothing but lofty mountains. A more gloomy country I never yet saw ; too (?) horses killed for food today. I Next three days evidently crossing the divide from head of John Day River to head of Burnt River.