Snake Expedition, 1825-1826
339 Sunday, 4th. Started at 10 o'clock. Change in weather since yesterday ; cold and cloudy. We commenced ascending and descending high hills ; came 10 miles. Finding a small brook, camped ; course south. The 3 men and Indians in quest of stolen horses returned with all; they found them on north side of Columbia and to get them were obliged to pay 30 balls of powder — no doubt the thief himself restored them, a com- mon practice with the Columbia Indians. Shortly after we camped an Indian arrived who told us he left Mr. McDonald's party 8 days since, all well but starving, having taken few beaver ; prospects bright ; fine oaks, but wood scarce ; soil good. Monday, 5th. Started at 8 A. M. Our guide informed us there were some small deer to be seen. I despatched 3 hunt- ers; about 12 o'clock came to the end of the hills — a grand and noble sight — Mount Hood bearing due west, Mt. St. Hel- ens and Mt. Nesqually^ Northwest, covered with eternal snow, and in a southern direction other lofty mountains in form and shape of sugar loaves. At the foot of all these mountains were lofty pines, which added greatly to the grandeur of the pros- pect. Could anything make it more so? After descending the last hill, which occupied nearly 2 hours, we reached a fine plain; sandy soil covered with wormwood. We crossed over to this place, a large fork of the River of the Falls ; another fork of the same was also seen near, taking its course S. E., and the latter S. W. Both forks were wooded and formerly stocked with beaver, but the Nez P'erces Indians have destroyed all ; both appear to take their rise from a mountain not far, and covered with snow. The mild weather must account for the high water and muddy colour — in fact so thick we could scarcely swallow it. My hunters had no success. An Indian who killed an antelope gave me a share; a most acceptable present; the first meat since we left the fort. Some petrifac- tions of the fir tree were collected. Course S. E. ; distance 15 miles.
I Mt. Adams, from near Tygh Valley.