Snake Expedition^ 1825-1826 337
chiefs who proposed to me to follow their route ; that the road was shorter to Mr. McDonald's^ camp. But my guide being of a different opinion, I gave way to him, however anxious I feel to join Mr. McDonald, and provisions being scarce, I must comply. Course S. W., 15 miles; rainy. Saturday, 26th. Rain all night. . Some Indians came to our camp this morning and traded a horse. It was mid-day before we found all our horses. The road this day very hilly and sandy ; very fatiguing for our horses ; two of them could scarcely crawl when we reached the encampment; it is dis- tressing to undertake a long journey with such miserable crea- tures, and I seriously apprehend if the Winter is severe 2-3 will die ; distance 8 miles S. W. ; cloudy. Sunday, 27th. Started early, camped at sunset; 20 Indians came to our camp ; all very quiet ; our route along the banks of the Columbia; distance 12 miles; course S.; cold and hazy. Monday, 28th. Rain prevented starting. We were so lucky as to trade 3 horses ; 40 salmon fish caught. Tuesday, 29th. As we were starting an Indian arrived and brought the goods back for one of the horses we traded, which was returned to him, although it was fair trade. I did not think it prudent to comply with his request. One of the men's horses missing this morning. Altho search was made it was vain. We reached John Day's River and found our old Walla Walla chief waiting our arrival ; 10 miles ; course west. Wednesday, 30th. A great many Indians collected about our camp this morning. In the night 2 traps were stolen from the men. We traded 2 horses at an extravagant rate, but were too much in need, and well do the natives know this, and act accordingly. We raised camp late, altho it was rainy, but I am not only anxious to reach Mr. McDonald, but to get rid of the natives, who are troublesome ; distance 4 miles ; course south. This day I forwarded dispatches to Ft. Vancouver.
I Finan McDonald. See introduction.