Warre and Vavasour, 1845-6.
27 Hudson's Bay Company's craft, the journey from Lake Supe- rior to Red River might be performed in about twenty days, but if they traveled merely as passengers, the work being per- formed by the bare number of experienced hands absolutely required in each craft, the journey would occupy four to six weeks. With the co-operation of the Hudson's Bay Company, who have always large depots of provision and craft on hand, a regiment might thus be conveyed to Red River Settlement in the course of one summer. The best mode, however, of con- ducting their transport would be through the agency of the H. B. Co., who, I have no doubt, would contract for the main- tenance and conveyance of troops with their baggage from Lake Superior to Red River Settlement after the rate of about forty shillings per man, if they were to assist in the transport, or about sixty shillings per man if conveyed as passengers. Point Meuron, the site I would recommend as a military post on the Kaministaquoia, is high ground, overlooking the river, and is not commanded by any other point within reach. The Indian population in that neighborhood is very thin, not exceeding 100 to 150 families, of the Chippeway tribe, mild and docile in their character, and entirely under the influence of the Hudson's Bay Company, whose posts they frequent and from whom they receive all their supplies of British manu- facture. The Hudson's Bay Company have four establishments on the route from Lake Superior to Red River Settlement, namely. Fort William, Lac a la Pluie, Rat Portage and Fort Alexander, where craft and all other necessary supplies and refreshment for troops could be provided. At Red River the Hudson's Bay Company have an agri- cultural settlement containing about 5000 inhabitants, con- sisting principally of their retired officers and servants, and their half caste families, and a few Indians. The country is
beautiful, salubrious, and very productive in wheat, barley,