T. C. Elliott till the one we are now at. Had we had a guide, we might have come in a much shorter time from Walla Walla to this place through the plains, or in fact from any part of the Columbia above the chutes. The road that way must be good, as it lies through the plains with little wood and few hills. Though we were told we would be only three nights of getting to the Fort, our guide now tells us that we will be 8 or lo, and represents the road as being difficult, independent of the snow. As we are now close to the mo<untain, which is the worst part of it, it is determined to try it, and should it be found im- passable to turn back and gain the Columbia again. Our guide's brother also accompanied him in order to be with him coming back. Another lad also started to accompany us on foot, so that there are three of them with us. We did not expect to see an Indian here yet they made theri ap- pearance shortly after we encamped. Monday, May 19th. Fine, warm weather forepart of the day, but towards even- ing it became stormy with a great deal of thunder and very heavy rain. Continued our journey before 6 o'clock, and encamped at 4 o'clock at a little plain. We had gone a little farther into the woods to gain the foot of the mountains which we were to pass, but we intend to return to this place that the horses might have some feeding. The road today was good; it lies through rather clear woods not often thicketty and but few hills. In the morning we crossed the river^ that empties it- self into the Columbia, between The Dalles and Cascades. It runs its waters to the northwest of Mt. St. Helen,^ where we forded, it is a considerable stream and the current very strong, but the waters appear to have fallen greatly lately. During the forepart of the day the ground among the trees 1 The White Salmon.
2 Mt. Adams.