Joseph Schafer valleys or sea ports, or of the sea coast generally ; to all these Sir George Simpson will call attention in proportion to their importance. R. D. Jackson, Comr. of the Forces. [Enclosure : Extract from Col. Dodge's report, giving mainly routes and distances.] [No. 5.] CONFIDENTAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR LlEUT. VaVASOUR^ Royal Engr. 1. In consequence of confidential directions received from his Lordship, the Governor General, from Her Majesty's Gov- ernment, and of the orders which I have received from his Excellency, the Commander of the Forces, you will imme- diately proceed in company with Sir George Simpson, the Governor under the royal charter of the Hudson's Bay Com- pany, and use your utmost endeavors to obtain a general knowledge of the capabilities in a military point of view of such parts of the country as may be indicated to you by that officer, in order that the British Govt, may be enabled to act immediately and with effect, in case of any hostile aggression upon Her Majesty's dominions on the western coast of America. 2. To this end you are desired to proceed with Sir George Simpson, ostensibly in the capacity of a private individual, seeking amusement, but you will examine well the more im- portant parts of the country referred to, so as to guide the prosecution of military operations, should such operations be- come necessary. 3. As Sir George Simpson has been instructed by the Secretary of State for Foreign Afifairs to co-operate as much as possible with you, for the accomplishment of the important
objects of your mission, and to impart to you his views as