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Warre and Vavasour, 1845-6.

17 cers, to be left entirely to the selection of Sir R. Jackson, who should proceed as private travelers to the Oregon Territory, and examine the important parts of the country, in order to obtain as accurate a knowledge of it as may be requisite for the future and efficient prosecution of military operations in it, should such operations become necessary. Sir George Simpson, the Acting Governor of the Hudson's Bay Company in America, who proceeds to Canada by this mail, will be ready to place himself in communication with Lord Metcalfe, and with Sir R. Jackson, and to impart to them his views as to the best mode of efficiently carrying out the object which is contemplated, as well as to communicate all the practical knowledge, which he possesses in an eminent degree, of the country which it is intended to visit and sur- vey. He will further be prepared to assist the officer or offi- cers who may be dispatched on this service with all the means which, as deputy governor of the Hudson's Bay Company, he has at his disposal. Whatever expenses may be incurred in this expedition may be defrayed by this office, or by the Colonial Department, as may hereafter be determined whenever the accounts shall have been sent in. But it will probably, in the first instance, be found more convenient that the necessary arrangements for providing the officers and their attendants with everything that may be necessary should be made by Lord Metcalfe. It is almost needless to say that perfect secrecy should, so far as possible, be preserved as to the expedition and its objects. The officer charged with the expedition might, if Lord Stan- ley approves of that course, be instructed to report his pro- ceedings by any safe opportunity which may present itself through the Governor General of Canada under flying seal to the Colonial Department, by which Department those re- ports would be communicated to Lord Aberdeen.

(Signed) H. U. Addington.

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