Lon L. Swift
used on said farm for road and slips or bridges; that in case line fence has to be constructed between Mrs. I. S. Keeny and O. L Peterson place, party of the second part will build O. I. Peterson's part of the fence, party of the first part to furnish material at Astoria, Oregon; that he will, if weather permits, burn up all weeds on dykes on said farm once a year at least; that he will allow the lessor and his family to visit and stay on said farm at and for such time as they shall see fit, and shall allow the lessor to keep his horse thereon and put the same in stable with the other horses on the farm at any time.
It is further understood and agreed upon by both parties that if any of the mares now on farm is bred, each of the parties is to pay half of the stud fee, and the offspring is to be owned by both parties, each own half interest of the offspring of said mares.
It is further understood and agreed upon by both parties that party of the second part will take extra good care in feeding and stabling all the registered Dutch Belted cattle now on said Sunflower Dairy, or may hereafter be installed on said place, and the party of the second part will fit them for the show ring on exhibition at the Oregon State Fair, both parties to stand the expenses, share and share alike, of transporting them to the fair grounds and back home again, and also while on exhibition at the fair grounds.
And it is further understood by both parties that any prizes in money secured by exhibition of said cattle at said fair is to be divided share and share alike by both parties.
And it is further understood and agreed by both parties that any offspring as a result of breeding the registered Dutch Belted cattle, party of the first part is to own half interest of such offspring, that the party of the second part will quit and deliver up to the lessor at the end of or sooner termination of said term the said premises with the buildings and stock specified in said schedule in as good order, repair and condition, reasonable wear and tear and damage to the buildings only excepted, provided, always, that these presents are upon