LoN L. Swift By far the largest production of oats was made in the Wil- lamette Valley. The northeastern part of the State ranked next with the exception of Douglas. The output of the coast counties was, in general, larger than that of the remaining ones in eastern Oregon. Marion county, which raised 1,059,- 220 bushels of oats, produced nearly twice as much of this grain as any other county. Linn, Yamhill, Washington, Polk, Lane, and Clackamas each produced between 660,000 and 500,000 bushels. The counties in the northeastern corner of the State took the lead in the production of barley. Umatilla ranked first with 380,340 bushels, or nearly twice as much as any other county, excelling almost as noticeably as in the production of wheat. The Columbia River counties, together with Jack- son and Douglas, were next to Umatilla, Union, Baker, and Wallowa. Some of the coast counties were the smallest pro- ducers. Most of the corn was raised in southwestern Oregon and the Willamette Valley. Eastern Oregon excelled in the production of rye; the Willamette Valley ranked second; the southwestern and coast counties were at the bottom of the list. Conditions of farming in Oregon may be further explained by an, examination of the value of dairy produce, orchard
products, and poultry, in the different counties of the State.