Land Tenure in Oregon.
8i The highest proportional source of farm income in Oregon in 1900 was derived from nursery products ; fruits ranked sec- ond ; vegetables third ; miscellaneous fourth ; hay and grain fifth ; live stock sixth ; dairy produce seventh ; flowers and plants eighth ; sugar ninth. The income from live stock in the United States was 110.96 times that in Oregon; hay and grain, miscellaneous and vegetables each about 100; fruits, 79.84; dairy produce, 137.78. Oregon's farms raised a large amount of fruit, but received a small proportionate income from dairy produce. The production of fruit in the Western Division (especially in California), was very large, the income from this source being 34.86 times that in Oregon. Sugar yielded, in the West- em Division, 54.63 times Oregon's value of this product, but Oregon produced very little sugar. In the other main sources of farm income the eleven states of the Western Division were approximately on an equal ratio to Oregon. California's farm income from sugar was 42.68 times as great as Ore- gon's ; from fruits, 31.22. On the other hand, her farm in- come from live stock was only 1.76, and miscellaneous prod- ucts 1.32 times that of Oregon. In Washington the farm in- come from hay and grain was 1.39, and from dairy produce 1.35 times what it was in Oregon. On the contrary, Wash- ington's farm income from live stock was only 50 per cent of Oregon's. It may also be noted that Washington raised a very small relative amount of nursery products as compared with Oregon's yield. Now that a general outline has beea given of the principal sources of income of Oregon's farms, a more detailed study will be made of the value of the different kinds of live stock raised and of cereals produced on farms in this state. All live stock are considered under the name of domestic animals and are divided into seven classes : Neat cattle, horses, mules, asses and burros, sheep, swine and goats. Cereals are divided into eight classes: Corn, wheat, oats, barley, rye, buckwheat,
rice and kafir corn. The value of the different classes of live