LoN L. Swift In Oregon, more than two-thirds of the farms, in 1900, were operated by owners and nearly all the others, by tenants. Owners operated 68 per cent; part owners, 11.9; share tenants, 10.4; cash tenants, 7.4; managers, 1.4; owners and tenants, 0.9. Some of the land operated by part owners was rented and some owned by those whO' cultivated it; that operated by owners and tenants was farmed jointly by owners and tenants. Owners operated 13 per cent more farms in Oregon than in the United States. This difference was made up mainly by share tenancy and partly by cash tenancy, the percentage of share tenancy in the United States being twice as large as in Oregon ; cash tenancy, 5.7 larger ; part owners, 4.0. In the Western Division, the percentage of the different classes of tenancy was much the same as in Oregon ; share tenancy, how- ever, was slightly less, and managers, greater. The relative number of farms in California operated by managers was larger than in the Western Division; cash tenancy was 5.1 per cent greater than in Oregon, the difference being equaled by the percentage of owners. In Washington, the percentage of farms operated by owners was greater than in Oregon and by share tenants, less. Washington was much the same as the Western Division except that it had a smaller per cent of its farms operated by managers. Tenancy in Oregon, therefore, more nearly resembled that in Washington than it did that in California. All the states of the Western Division differed from the United States in having a smaller percentage of rented farms, which shows that the older the country be- comes, the larger is the per cent of farms operated by renters. This tendency is seen in the difference of the proportion of tenancy in the three states, California, Washington and Ore- gon. California had a larger relative number of rented farms than Oregon, which was the newer state. Washington, like- wise, being newer than Oregon, had a still smaller percentage of rented farms. It may also be noted that the highest per
cent of managers was to be found where the largest farms were