Land Tenure in Oregon.
39 Scrip — Private land claims, 5,200 acres. Scrip — 'Sioux half-breeds, 80 acres. Scrip — Agricultural college located, 70.240 acres . Allotments to individual Indians, 535,167.45 acres. Mineral lands, total, 31,184.9 acres, including lode and mill sites, 2,404.56 acres ; placer, 2,903 acres. Final homesteads, 3,493,637.24 acres. Commuted homesteads, 588,029.29 acres. Final timber-culture entries, 223,861.84 acres. Land sold under timber and stone acts, 1,940,052.04 acres. Reservoir rights of way, 1,110.13 acres. Forest reserves, 4,649,240 acres. State reclamation land grants, approved, 121,786.04 acres. Land withdrawn for national reclamation purposes, with- drawn, 1,504,600 acres; restored, 91,520 acres; balance, 1,413,- 080 acres. Land disposed of for cash under the various acts, 4,211,- 483.51 acres. Entries pending in public-lands general land office, on July 1st, 1904; original homestead entries, 2,057,840 acres; final homestead entries, 59,450 acres ; commuted homestead entries, 29,145 acres; timber and stone entries, 367,140 acres; other cash entries, 89,900 acres. Crater Lake national park, 159,360 acres. Indian lands reservations, 1,274,554 acres. Ceded Indian lands not open to settlement, 26,111 acres*. Nearly one-half of the farming land of Oregon has been taken up under the final or the commuted homestead acts. The rate at which land is being acquired under these laws is becoming less year by year. Reports from 1868 to 1904 show that land available for homestead entry was rapidly diminish- ing before the latter date.
- Pub. Land Comm. Report, Sen, Doc. Vol. 4, pp. 138-360.