Wm. D. Fenton
town, Oregon City, Portland and on the Tualatin Plains. He married Miss Wilbur in 1849, ^^i^ she died in 1850, and was buried in the lot in the rear of where Taylor Street Church now stands. She left an only child and daughter, who survived her but 11 years. Father Wilbur's wife died at Walla Walla, September 13, 1887, in her 76th year, and thus, upon the death of Father Wilbur, no lineal descendant of his family survived. He and his wife were buried in Lee Mission Cemetery, near Salem, Oregon.
When Wilbur arrived in Portland in June, 1847, there were 13 houses in a dense forest, where now stands a city of nearly 250,000 people, and at that time Salem and Oregon City were the chief centers of business and population and influence. Salem was but a missionary point in a country inhabited chiefly by Indians; Oregon City was a trading post with a few hundred population, and Portland did not exist as a municipality. In 1849 Wilbur was appointed to the circuit embracing Oregon City and Portland, and in 1850 built the first church in this city. It is estimated that the parsonage and church so constructed cost $5,000; mechanics received $12 per day, and lumber was $120 per thousand. The first sermon was preached in this city by William Roberts, then living at Oregon City, and the services were held in a cooper shop on the west side of First street, between Morrison and Yamhill. This was on the first Sunday in November, 1847. It is recorded that on the preceding Sunday Rev. C. O. Hosford rode to a point on the east side of the river, and was ferried across the stream by James B. Stephens, in an Indian canoe, and landed at what is now the foot of Stark street; that he clambered up the muddy bank and entered a dense forest of fir, and looking southward, entered an opening in the woods, crawling under and climbing over newly cut logs. At that time this pioneer preacher, who had been sent by Superintendent Roberts to arrange a religious service, found scattered about 14 log cabins and a few families. This was on the last Sunday of October, 1847, the succeeding Sunday William