Discovery of Fraser River.
often in imminent danger when obliged to follow their example."
The expedition continued on its journey, sometimes on land, sometimes on water in the canoes of the Indians. July second they arrived at a place where the tide rose about twO' and a half feet. That day they were compelled to take a canoe forcibly in order to continue their journey. July third they arrived at one of the mouths of the Fraser, probably what is called the "North Arm," Although some writers have endeavored to belittle Fraser's achievement and have asserted that he did not reach the mouth of the river, it is now completely established that he did.
In his Journal Fraser says of the location of the mouth of the Fraser River:
"The latitude is 49 degrees, nearly, while that of the entrance of the Columbia is 46 degrees 20 minutes. This river, therefore, is not the Columbia." He then adds: "If I had been convinced of this when I left my canoes, I would certainly have returned."
Dr. George Bryce truly says in his book, "The Remarkable History of the Hudson's Bay Company," referring to the latter entry in Fraser's Journal: "How difficult it is to distinguish small from great actions! Flere was a man making fame for all time, and the idea of the greatness of his work had not dawned upon him."
And Simon Fraser's exploring expedition was a great work, not only in its accomplishment but in its effects. It is proper that this river should always bear his name. In exploring a known river he discovered it. While the Fraser River is navigable only a short distance above its mouth, it makes the only water grade possible through almost impassable mountains. The great wagon road and the Canadian Pacific Railway utilize this grade.
Just before and after Fraser arrived at the mouth of the river, the party narrowly escaped being massacred by the In-