Joseph Schafer Suspense Account, Dr. To the following supplies to Lieut. Vavasour, viz.:* 1845. Aug. 27 Aug. 28 Sept. 12 Oct. 20 Nov. Dec. 8 22 24 1846. Jan. 22 22 Feb. March 24 11 12 16 21 To 1 S. fine beaver hat 1 frock coat 1 cloth vest 1 pr. buckskin trousers 1 pr. tweed trousers 4 white cotton shirts 3 tooth brushes 1 nail brush 2 hair brushes 1 large razor strop doz. pipes ^/i bundle seed beads 1 bundle garnet beads 3 cakes vegetable soap 1 bottle Extract of Roses 1 nail brush 1 pr. Blucher shoes 1 Valencia Vest 2 Paris silk handkerchiefs 1 pr. Warner shoes 2 yds. Hair Ribbon 43 yds. H. B. blue strands 2 yds. Highland gaiters 1 yd. white flannel 1 doz. clay pipes 23^ yds. wh. blanketing 3H yds. grey cotton yi yd. 2d dark blue cloth yi lb. colored thread No. 12 9 yds. lace 1 yd. black padding cloth H ger. black braid 2 yds. silk twist thread 2 yds. hair ribbon 1 yd. 6d ribbon 1 skein colored silk 1 paper pins Transfer Cr. Mr. Ross 3 yds. green silk gauze 1 pr. ladies' shoes 1 yd. hair ribbon 1 box Bowlands Odante 1 yd. grev cotton yd. 2d blue cloth 1-6 yd. scarlet cloth 1 pc. black carding Cash paid for newspapers at the Wil- lamette FaUs To transfer Cr. Mrs. Mcintosh, for needlework To transfer Cr. Mrs. Pambrum for ganished work $127.78 @ 4s 6d per dollar is @ % 8.88 26.40 4.32 9.12 6.48 $2 .40 9.60 .28 .84 .40 .72 1 .44 1.68 .12 .24 .18 .12 .32 .96 1 .68 .40 3 .72 3.36 .84 1 .68 2 .08 .08 .16 2 .14 1 .42 .04 .08 .46 .24 2 .20 5.50 .10 .30 3 .80 .96 .19 1 .80 .18 12 .04 .16 .06 .02 .24 2.22 3.24 2.08 .08 1.08 .18 3.84 1.28 2.24 .27 .12 1.40 12.22 7.00 8127.78 £ 28 15 Warre, do. (Signed) G. Simpson, M. Vavasour.
- Warre's separate account is similar. The general account includes supplies,
etc., for both officers and the men employed by them.