PREHISTORIC TIMES more or less indented on one or both surfaces. Their use is not at present thoroughly understood. Some antiquaries suppose that they were held between the finger and thumb, and used as hammers or chip- pers. If, however, a large series is obtained, it will be found that the depression varies greatly in depth, and that sometimes the stone is com- pletely perforated, which favours the view of those who regard these im- plements as ring- stones for nets, or small hammer- heads. It is very doubtful whether these implements really belong to the Stone Age. Other stones, in which the longer Fig. i27.-Danish axis is encirclcd by dagger. In my ^ grOOVC, appear tO own collection. 11 • J i.1 have been evidently intended as sink-stones for nets. The arrow-heads may be divided into six varieties. Firstly, the triangular (fig. 131), which fre- quently had a notch on each side Fig. 128. — Flint dagger, one- half of the actual size. This beautiful specimen was found in a large tumulus with a second imperfect dagger, a rude flint core, an imperfect crescent-shaped knife, one or two flakes, two amber beads, and some bits of pottery. Denmark. In my own col- lection.