are here fully reported. An important feature of the volume before us is the reports of the county vice-presidents. These officers are charged with the duty of organizing local horticultural societies, and of reporting annually to the society upon horticultural matters in their localities.
The Constants of Nature. By F. W. Clarke, S. B. Washington: The Smithsonian Institution.
In 1873 the Smithsonian Institution published Part I. of the above-named work, and we have now before us Parts II. and III., as also a first supplement to Part I. In this first part are given tables of specific gravities, boiling-points, and melting-points. Part II. is a table of specific heats for solids and liquids, and Part III. gives tables of expansion by heat for solids and liquids. In compiling these tables Prof. Clarke has expended a vast amount of labor—a labor of love, inasmuch as his services are rendered gratuitously.
Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro: Imprensa Industrial. Pp. 30, quarto, with Plates.
The Archivos is published quarterly, and is the organ of the National Museum of Brazil. Its first object is to give an account of the contributions to science made by that institution, but it will also from time to time contain essays on scientific subjects from other sources. In the present number (which is the first) there are three articles, viz.: "Studies of the Shellheaps (Sambaquis) of Southern Brazil," by Carlos Wiener; "On Some Tangas" (well translated "fig-leaves" in the Nation) "of Baked Clay used by the Ancient Inhabitants of the Island of Marajō," by Ch. Fred. Hartt; and "Studies upon the Morphological Evolution of the Tissues in Sarmentose Caules," by Ladislau Netto.
The Kinematics of Machinery. By F. Reuleaux. Pp. 638. New York: Macmillan. Price, $7.50.
Elements of Latin Grammar. By G. Fischer, LL. D. Pp. 236. New York: Schermerhorn. Price, $1.25.
Forest Culture and Eucalyptus-Trees. By E. Cooper. Pp. 237. San Francisco: Cubery & Co.
Exploring Expedition from Santa Fe to the Junction of Grand and Green Rivers. By J. S. Newberry. Pp. 148. With Plates. Washington: Government Printing Office.
First Steps in Political Economy. By M. R. Leverson, Ph. D. Pp. 215. New York: Authors' Publishing Co. Price, $1.25.
The Ultimate Generalization. Pp. 56. New York: Somerby.
Chorea. By G. T. Stevens, M. D. Pp. 19. New York: Appletons.
The Study of Music. By E. B. Oliver. Pp. 10. Hartford: Case, Lockwood & Brainard.
Plastic Dressing in Fractures of Lower Extremity. By D. W. Yandell, M. D. Pp. 10. Indianapolis: Journal print.
Physiology of the Respiratory Apparatus. By J. Ott, M. D. Pp. 4. Chicago: Kissell & Co.
Guide to the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. Pp. 128.
Report on the Retreat for the Insane. Pp. 36. Hartford: Case, Lockwood &, Brainard.
Cast-Steel Works of Frederick Krupp. Pp. 20. Published from 15 Gold Street, New York.
A Life-Zone in Space. By W. H. Gregg, M. D. Pp. 5. Elmira, New York: Watts print.
Building Associations. Pp. 29. Philadelphia: Social Science Association.
Explorations of Mounds near Davenport, Iowa. By R. J. Farquharson, M. D. Pp. 18. With Plates. Salem (Mass.): Press.
Modern Languages and the Higher Education. By E. S. Joynes. Pp. 12. Louisville: J. P. Morton print.
Mask of Comus. Edited by H. B. Sprague, A. M. Pp. 35. New York: Schermerhorn.
English Grammar. By S. W. Whitney, A. M. Pp. 160. New York: Schermerhorn.
On Life. By E. C. Seaman. Pp. 15.