and this with all the accuracy that it is possible to give on a map of four miles to an inch, and in 200-foot contour-lines. Further, the general quality and distribution of timber, bottom, agricultural and unavailable lauds are made the subject of investigation, while botanical, natural-history, and other specimens, are collected. The greater part of the volume treats of the geology, mineralogy, and mining industry of the region surveyed. Then there are separate reports on the Tertiary flora of the North American Lignitic, on ancient ruins in Southwestern Colorado, and on topography and geography.
Village Communities in the East and West. By Sir Henry Sumner Maine. New York: Holt & Co. Pp. 425. Price, $3.50.
The six lectures which give to this volume its leading title were first published in 1871, and have now reached a third edition. Their object is to trace the resemblances existing between the early stages of Western civilization and the existing status in many parts of India. Other scholars have shown the relations between modern European languages and the Sanskrit; the author's task is to point out the relations between the civil institutions of the East and West. Besides the lectures on village communities, the present volume contains sundry other papers, viz., one on the effects of observation of India on modern European thought, three addresses to the University of Calcutta, an essay on the theory of evidence, also one on Roman law and legal education.
Commencing with the July number, the Penn Monthly will hereafter be published for the Penn Monthly Association, by Jos. H. Coates & Co., Philadelphia. The editorship and ownership remain unchanged.
Practical Botany. By A. Koehler, M. D. New York: Holt & Co. Pp. 410, with Plates. Price, $3.00.
Report of the Milwaukee School Commissioners (1875). Pp. 307.
Hay-Fever. By G. M. Beard, M. D. New York: Harpers. Pp. 266. Price, $2.00.
Theory of Medical Science. By W. R. Dunham, M. D. Boston: James Campbell. Pp. 150. Price, $1.25.
Giannetto. By Lady Margaret Magendie. New York: Holt. Pp. 180. Price, $1.25.
Archivos do Museu National do Rio de Janeiro. Quarterly. Pp. 30. Rio de Janeiro: Imprensa Industrial.
Smithsonian Collection, viz., Specific Heats, Specific Gravities, Expansion by Heat. By F. W. Clarke, S. B.
Geographical Variation among North American Mammals. By J. A. Allen. Pp. 40. From Report of Hayden's Survey.
Thought: Its Struggles and Failures. By L. S. Benson. New York: Serial Science Society. Pp. 32. Price, 15 cents.
Centennial Poem. By Mrs. A. W. Duchow. Sonora, California: Tuolumne Independent print.
Mountain Surveying: A Nebula Photometer; Comparison of Prismatic and Diffraction Spectra. By Prof. E. C. Pickering. From American Journal of Science and "Proceedings of the American Academy."
Determination of Baryum. By P. Schweitzer, Ph. D. Jefferson City: Regan & Carter. Pp. 36.
Report on Dermatology. By L. P. Yandell, Jr., M. D. Indianapolis: Journal print. Pp. 7.
Centres of Ancient Civilization in Central America. By Dr. C. H. Berendt. New York: D. Taylor, printer. Pp. 14.
Geometrical Chemistry. By H. Wurtz. New York: J. F. Trow & Son, printers. Pp. 73.
Journal of the American Society of Civil Engineers. May. Pp. 70.
Transactions of the Kansas Horticultural Society (1875). Topeka: Martin, printer. Pp. 267.
Some Disputed Points in Physiological Optics. By H. Hartshorne. Pp. 12.