and by a Liberal American Citizen. By Bishop McQuaid and Francis E. Abbott. Boston, 1876. Pp. 100.
Historical Sketch of the Columbus Public Schools. Columbus, Ohio. Pp. 31.
An Exposition and Defense of Homœpathy. By George Pyborn, M.D. Georgetown, Colorado, 1876. Pp. 36.
Legal Chemistry, A Guide to the Detection of Poisons, Examination of Stains, etc., as applied to Chemical Jurisprudence. By A. Naguet. Translated by J. P. Battershall, Nat. Sc.D., with a Preface by C. F. Chandler, Ph.D., M.D., LL.D. New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1876. Pp. 178. Price, $2.
Life Histories of the Birds of Eastern Pennsylvania. By Thomas G. Gentry. In Two Volumes. Vol. i. Philadelphia, 1876. Pp. 399.
Prehistoric Man. By Daniel Wilson. LL.D., F.R.S.E. In Two Volumes. London: Macmillan & Co., 1826. Pp. 391 and 401. Price, $12.
Report of the Chief Signal-Officer to the Secretary of War for the Year 1875. By Albert J. Meyer. Pp. 475. With numerous Maps.
Exercises in Electrical and Magnetic Measurement. By R. E. Day, M. A. London: Longmans, Green & Co., 1876. Pp. 120.
Daily Bulletin of Weather Reports, Signal Service of the United States Army for April, 1875. Pp. 185.
Man a Spirit only. By R. L. Farnsworth. Pp. 48. St. Paul: Pioneer Press print.
Claims of Capital. By William Brown. Pp. 36. Montreal: J. Lovell.
Uses of a Topographical Survey of New York State. By J. T. Gardner: Pp. 14. New York: American Geographical Society.
Product of the Action of Potassium on Ethyl Succinate. By I. Remsen. Pp. 10. From American Journal of Science.
Hospital and Private Treatment of Ophthalmia Neonatorum. By S. C. Ayres, M.D. Pp. 8. From Lancet and Observer.
Climate in its Sanitary Relations to Medicine. By A. S. Baldwin, M.D. Pp. 14. Jacksonville, Fla.: Semi-Tropical print.
Report on Working-Women's Protective Union (1876). Pp. 16. New York: W. W. P. Union.
Astronomische Nachrichten. No. 206 Kiel: Königliche Sternwarte.
Training-School for Nurses. Pp. 16. Philadelphia: Grant, Faires & Rodgers print.
Principal Characters of the Dinocerata. By O. C. Marsh. Pp. 6. With Plates. From American Journal of Science.
Some Remains of an Extinct Species of Wolf. By J. A. Allen. Pp. 5. From American Journal of Science.
Doctrine of Force, and its Bearing upon Theism. By G. N. Duzan, M. D. Pp. 39. Indianapolis: J. G. Doughty print.
Memorial to Congress on the Currency, from the New York Board of Trade. Pp. 13.
Report on Chicago Botanical Garden (1875). Pp. 4.
Report of the Georgia Commissioners of Agriculture (1875). Pp. 180. Atlanta: Estill print.
Polytechnic Review. Vol. i., No. 1. Monthly, $3 per annum. Philadelphia: W. H. Wahl and Robert Grimshaw, proprietors.
Unhealthiness of New Houses.—The unhealthiness of new houses is due to the presence of moisture in their walls. This moisture may be held either mechanically, as by capillary attraction in the bricks, mortar, and plaster; or chemically, in the hydrate of lime. Moisture held mechanically is removable by air and warmth; chemically-held moisture is removed gradually by the action of carbonic acid contained in the air. A writer in the English Mechanic suggests the use of a dew-point thermometer as a means of determining whether a house is sufficiently free from moisture to be inhabitable. If we take a reading of this in the open air, in the shade, and protected from wind, we have the actual