originality, adaptability and broadness of mind, and probably uses with discretion "life" rather than "curriculum." The general spirit in the college is said to be excellent, and credit is given for this, as well as for the remarkable growth of the institution, to President Tucker.
As shown by the accompanying illustrations, the situation of Dartmouth among the New Hampshire hills is beautiful, and the campus and buildings make a pleasing impression. The original Dartmouth Hall, destroyed by fire, has been rebuilt effectively in brick. College Hall, a club house and commons, made excellent headquarters for the association. The scientific departments are well housed in the Butterfield Museum for the natural sciences, the Wilder Laboratory for physics, Culver Hall containing the chemical department and the Shattuck Observatory.
Science and commerce are breaking down the barriers between the nations. Commerce is at present competitive, having tariffs, navies and the rest as its adjuncts, but it will gradually become denationalized. Science is by its very nature cooperative, and international congresses advance in equal measure science and good will. Of somewhat unusual interest are the two international congresses which meet in Washington next month, one concerned with fisheries and one with tuberculosis. The fisheries are to a considerable extent subject to international control, and tuberculosis is the disease most likely to be mitigated by combined action against it.
The fisheries congress, which is the fourth to be held, opens on September 22, and after the sessions in Washington, special meetings will be held in New York, Boston, Gloucester and possibly in other places in New England. Other places which may be visited are Baltimore, the center 01 the oyster industry of Chesapeake Bay, and Chicago and other lake ports, where the fishery trade and methods of the great lakes, the most valuable fresh-water fisheries in the world, may be studied. Twelve governments have already accepted the invitation of the United States to be officially represented, and delegates have been appointed by the governors of many of the states. In view of the large number of persons who will attend as individuals or as representatives of important fishery societies, the congress promises to be important in its representative character, size and the value of its proceedings. The subjects included in the program are: Commercial fisheries; Matters affecting the fishermen and the fishing population; Legislation and regulation; International matters affecting the fisheries; Aquiculture; Acclimatization; Fishways; Biological investigation of the waters and their inhabitants; Diseases and parasites of fishes; Crustaceans, mollusks and other water animals; Angling and sport fishing.
The International Congress on Tuberculosis will meet on September 28, in the new building of the United States National Museum, where an extensive exhibit will be arranged. Six or seven hundred delegates from all nations of the world will be present, and the pathologists, physicians and students of social conditions will probably be numbered by the thousands. The members will include the most eminent students of the disease, and their discussions will lead to the diffusion of knowledge concerning causes and remedies and to renewed efforts to increase knowledge. The congress will also perform an important service by awakening "popular interest and concern. More than 6,000,000 of those now living in the United States will die of tuberculosis, yet it is essentially a preventable disease. Both of the