which the appointment of a professor is for life, he being excused from active service when disabled by illness or old age.
We record with regret the deaths of Sir Benjamin Baker, F.R.S., the eminent British engineer; of Dr. Alexander Buchan, F.R.S., the Scottish meteorologist; of Sir Joseph Fayrer, known for his pathological work in India, and Dr. Charles Féré, known for his researches in neurology and psychiatry.
The honorary freedom of the City of London is to be conferred on Lord Lister.—The gold medal of the Linnean Society, London, has been awarded to Dr. Melchior Treub, director of the Botanical Garden at Buitenzorg.
A second series of tablets was unveiled in the Hall of Fame, of New York University, on Memorial Day, May 30. Addresses were made by Governor Hughes, of New York, and Governor Guild, of Massachusetts. Among the twelve tablets unveiled was one in memory of Maria Mitchell, the astronomer, and one in memory of Louis Agassiz. The tablet in honor of Agassiz was unveiled under the auspices of the American Association for the Advancement of Science with brief addresses by Dr. Charles D. Walcott, secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, and Dr. Edward S. Morse, director of the Peabody Institute of Science.
The committee of one hundred, appointed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science to further the promotion, of national interest in health, met in New York City, April 18, and organized by the adoption of rules, the election of officers and the appointment of an executive committee. Professor Irving Fisher, of New Haven, presided as the temporary chairman and was subsequently elected president. Ten vice-presidents were elected, as follows: President Charles W. Eliot, Harvard University; Dr. Felix Adler, New York; Dr. William H. Welch, Baltimore; Rev. Lyman Abbott, New York; President James B. Angell, University of Michigan; Miss Jane Addams, Chicago; Hon. Joseph H. Choate, New York; Rt. Rev. John Ireland, St. Paul; Hon. Ben. B. Lindsey, Denver; Hon. John D. Long, Boston.