terests of the country. By John M. Woodworth, M. D., Supervising Surgeon United States Marine Hospital Service." B. "Sailors as Propagators of Disease;" Abstract of a paper entitled "The Hygiene of the Forecastle." By Heber Smith, M.D., Surgeon-in-charge United States Marine Hospital Service, Port of New York. The latter author gives diagrams of some representative forecastles, the sight of which is enough to condemn them. He shows how many of the gravest diseases are introduced and disseminated through communities to a greater extent by sailors than by any other agencies.
An Analysis of the Life-form in Art. By Harrison Allen, M.D. Pp. 71. Philadelphia: McCalla & Stavely.
The Next Phase of Civil Progress. Pp. 43. New York: Button & Co.
The Glacial Epoch of our Globe. By Alexander Braun. Pp. 40. Price, 25 cents. Boston: Estes & Lauriat.
Protection and Free Trade. By Isaac Butts. Pp. 190. Price, $1.25. New York: Putnams' Sons.
Comparison of Certain Theories of Solar Structure with Observation. By S. P. Langley. Pp. 9.
Water in the Treatment of Disease. By V. Zolnowski, M.D. Pp. 39.
Vital Statistics and the "Military Reconstruction" of Louisiana, By S. E. Chaille, M.D. Pp. 20.
Flora of Nebraska. By S. Aughey, Ph.D. Pp. 31.
Our Currency. By J. G. Drew. Pp. 43. Price, 20 cents. New York: Hinton & Co.
Irredeemable Paper Currency. Abridged from J. S. Mill's "Principles of Political Economy." Pp. 51. Price, 20 cents. New York: Hinton & Co.
The Cremation Theory of Specie Resumption. By David A. Wells. Pp. 19.
Measurement of Air-Angle of Microscope-Objectives. By R. B. Folles. Pp. 8.
Elements of Embryology (Foster & Balfour), Macmillan.
Elements of Mechanics (Nystrom), Porter & Coates, Philadelphia.
Birds of the Northwest (Coues), Government Printing Office.
Improvement of Health (Knight), Putnams.
Lectures on the Teeth (Chase), Gray, Baker & Co., St. Louis.
Catechism of the Locomotive (Forney), Railroad Gazette, New York.
Maintenance of Health (Fothergill), Putnams.
New Manual of Physiology (Küss, Duval, and Amory), Campbell, Boston.
Philosophy of Breeding (Sturtevant), Wright & Potter, Boston.
Composition of the Ground-Atmosphere (Nichols), Wright & Potter, Boston.
Brooklyn Journal of Education.
Population of an Apple-Tree (Packard), Estes & Lauriat.
Geological Survey of Alabama (1874).
Physical Features of Minnesota River Valley (Warren).
The Mammoth Cave and Some of its Animals (Putnams).
The Family Nemophidæ (Putnams).
Stevens Institute of Technology (1874).
The Fog-Signal Question.—The elaborate articles on "The Atmosphere in Relation to Fog-Signaling," by Prof. Tyndall, which appeared in our March and April numbers, embodied the interesting results of a new and important research, and have attracted much attention, both on the part of our men of science and of many unscientific readers. There has been some dissent from his views, but Prof. Tyndall is quite easy about that. In a recent private letter he says: "A copy of the report of the United States Light-house Board, for 1874, has just reached me. I read certain portions of it with regret, but the questions it raises may be safely left to the judgment of the scientific men of the United States."