Missouri Botanical Garden. Tenth Annual Report. William Trelease, Director. St. Louis. Pp. 209, with plates.
Moon, J. Howard. Better-World Philosophy. Chicago: The Ward Waugh Company. Pp. 275.
Reprints. Abbott, Samuel W. Infant Mortality in Massachusetts. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co. Pp. 19.—Baillairgé, Charles. La Vie, L'Evolution, et le Materialism. (Life, Evolution, and Materialism.) Pp. 37.—Le Grec, le Latin: leur Utilité, etc. (Greek and Latin: their Utility, etc.) Pp. 48; L'Antiquité de la Terre et de l'Homme. (Antiquity of the Earth and of Man.) Pp. 23; Royal Society of Canada.—Burt, Stephen S. Recollections and Reflections of a Quarter of a Century. New York. Pp. 12.—Cathell, W. T. On the Reduction of Obesity. Pp. 12.—Goode, John P. The Piracy of the Yellowstone. University of Chicago. Pp. 12.—Halsted, Byron D., New Brunswick, N. J. Root Tubercles and Nitrogen Appropriation. Pp. 14.—MacBride, Thomas H. Botany, How Much and When? Iowa City. Pp. 11.—Marsh, Othniel Charles, Biographical Sketch by Charles E. Beecher. From the American Journal of Science. Pp. 28, with portrait.—Meyer, Max. Ueber Beurtheilung Zusammengesetzer Klänge. (On the Estimation of Composite Sounds.) Leipsic, Saxony. Pp. 33.-Poteat, W. L. Leidy's Genus Ouramœba. Pp. 5.—Sexton, Pliny T. Reasons and Authorities for Favoring Education Unification under the Regents of the University. Pp. 50.—Von Schrenck, Herman. A Disease of Taxodium known as Peckiness, etc. St. Louis. Washington University. Pp. 54, with plates.
Scudder, Samuel H. Everyday Butterflies. Boston and New York: Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Pp. 386.
Sutro, Emil. Duality of Voice. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 224. $1.
Sites, C. M. L. Centralized Administration of Liquor Laws in the American Commonwealths. (Columbia University Studies in History, Economics, and Public Law.) New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 102.
Union Pacific Railroad Company, Passenger Department. Some of Wyoming's Vertebrate Fossils. Pp. 31.
United States Geological Survey. Eighteenth Annual Report. Part I. Director's Report, Triangulation, and Spirit Leveling. Pp. 440.—Part II. Papers chiefly of a Theoretic Nature. Pp. 653, with maps.—Part III. Economic Geology. Pp. 861, with maps.—Part IV. Hydrography. Pp. 756, New York City and Vicinity Map.
United States National Museum: Lord, E. C. E. Petrographic Notes on Rocks from the United States-Mexico Boundary. Pp. 10, with map.—Richardson. Harriet. Key to the Isopods of the Pacific Coast, etc. Pp. 56.—Stejneger, Leonhard. The Land Reptiles of the Hawaiian Islands. Pp. 32.
Vita Nuova. (New Life.) A Fortnightly Illustrated Review of Letters, Arts, and Sciences. Clelia Bertini-Attilii, Director. Rome. Pp. 16.
Walter, Robert, M. D. Vital Science based upon Life's Great Law, the Analogue of Gravitation. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company. Pp. 319.
Watson, David K. History of American Coinage. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Pp. 278. $1.50.
Climate and Acclimatization.—In view of the rapid growth of West Indian and South American commerce and the considerable emigration to Cuba and neighboring islands, which our present relations with them will probably bring about, the following extracts from an editorial in the London Lancet are of interest: "The American nation has entered upon a new and, in a sense, imperial policy, which may be regarded as forming an epoch in its history. This brings it face to face with the problem of colonization and acclimatization—a problem which we have had to confront long ago and toward the solution of which we have ever since been slowly fighting our way by following on the lines of the best practical measures of hygiene known to us. 'The white man's burden' has proved a tragical one in its drain on the life of the young manhood of this country, notwithstanding the very large measure of success which has attended our sanitary efforts in this direction. The Americans, having taken up their burden, will, no doubt, like the practical people they are, set about their task in a practical way. The four principal factors in the production of climate, according to Buchan, are distance from the equator, height above the sea, distance from the sea, and prevailing winds. The equatorial region has the most equable climate; tropical regions have much greater variations of temperature than those near the equator, and have a hot and cold or dry and rainy season. The isothermal lines of mean temperature do not supply a graduated measure of the effects of temperature on animal life. So far as climate is concerned, no single meteorological influence appears, however, to equal the effect of