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Carus-Wilson, C. A. Electro-Dynamics. The Direct-Current Motor. New York: Longmans, Green & Co. Pp. 298. $1.75.

Congdon, E. A. A Brief Course in Qualitative Analysis. New York: Henry Holt & Co. Pp. 62. 60 cents.

Detmer, Dr. W., and Moor, S. A. Practical Plant Physiology. London: Swan, Sonnenschein & Co. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 535. $3.

Groos, Karl. The Play of Animals. Translated, with the author's co-operation, by Elizabeth L. Baldwin. With a Preface and Appendix by J. Mark Baldwin. New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 341. $1.76.

Harris, Edith T. The Story of Rob Roy, by Sir Walter Scott, condensed for Home and School Reading. (Appletons' Home-Reading Books.) New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 306. 60 cents.

Keyser, L. S. News from the Birds. (Appletons' Home-Reading Books.) New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 229.

Mills, Wesley. The Nature and Development of Animal Intelligence. New York: The MacmiUan Company. Pp. 307. $2.

Mutual Boiler Insurance Company, Boston. Cost of Boiler-Room Labor. Bad Shoveling. Pp. 201.—Comparative Steam-making Values of Coals used in the Northeastern States. By R. S. Hale. Pp. 9.—Tests of Steam-pipe and Boiler Coverings. By C. L. Norton.

Overton, Frank. Applied Physiology, including the Effects of Alcohol and Narcotics. Primary Grade. Pp. 128.—Intermediate. Pp. 188.—Advanced. Pp. 432. American Book Company.

Pyle, Howard. The Divinity of Labor. (Commencement Address.) Wilmington, Del. Pp. 12.

Redway, Jacques W., and Hinman, Russell. Natural Advanced Geography. American Book Company. Pp. 160.

Reprints. Lyons, Florence M.: A Contribution to the Life History of Euphorbia Corollata. Pp. 8, with plates.—Hester, C. A., M. D.: The Pathology of Uræmic Intoxications. Pp. 20—Mercer, H. C: A New Investigation of Man's Antiquity at Trenton. Pp. 20.—Merck's Digest: No. 16. Tannalbin (astringent). Pp. 8; No. 18. Aqua Levico (alterant tonic). Pp. 4; No. 21. Ichthalbin (alterant, antiphlogistic, and assimilative). Pp. 8. Merck & Co., New York.—Rotch, A. L.: The International Aëronautic Conferences. Pp. 8.—Silenker, M. A., M. D.: Clinical Observations of a New Antipyretic. Pp. 4.—Smith, W. R.: A Contribution to the Life History of the Pontederiaceæ. Pp. 16, with plates.—Wadsworth, M. E.: Zirkelite. P. 1; The Elective System in Engineering Colleges. Pp. 39; Mineral Plates in Converging Polarized Light with the Petrological Microscope. Pp. 8; The Elective System in Technological Schools. Pp. 14; Some Statistics of Engineering Education. Pp. 24; The Michigan College of Mines. Pp. 16; The Origin and Mode of Occurrence of the Lake Superior Copper Deposits. Pp. 28.

Ripley, F. H., and Tapper, Thomas. A Short Course in Natural Music. Book I. Elementary. American Book Company. Pp. 144. 35 cents.

Troeger, J. N. Harold's Rambles. (Appletons' Home-Reading Books. Nature Study Readers.) New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 155. 40 cents.

Fragments of Science.

International Language Study.—An interesting and comparatively new scheme for the study of foreign languages is described by E. H. Magill, ex-president of Swarthmore College, in a recent issue of The Kindergarten Magazine. "How these foreign languages can best be taught in our schools and colleges is a question which has received much attention at the hands of experienced educators of this generation." Some have contended that no attempt should be made to teach the student to converse or write in the foreign language, but that he should simply learn enough of grammatical form to enable him, when he has obtained a vocabulary, to read the written language easily. In fact, this opinion has been very generally held by educators. The method of instruction about to be described, however, seems in a fair way to change this feeling into one favoring a' more perfect mastery of the language. "It is now about two years since M. Mieille, a professor in the Lycée of Tarbes, Hautes Pyrénées, while in England, devised a method of international correspondence between students and teachers in France and England, which has been warmly received by educators and students in those two countries, and several thousands on either side of the channel are now entered upon the lists and mutually rendering each other great aid in becoming familiar with their respective languages. . . . The method of procedure may be simply described thus: Let those schools, colleges, or individuals who wish to begin this system send the names, ages, and addresses of those who wish to correspond to the following well known firms in Paris: For young students, send to MM. Armand Colin et Cie., No. 5 rue de Mezières, Paris, and for older students, teachers, or other mature persons, address Libraire Hachette, 79 Boulevard Saint-Germain, Paris. These firms will give prompt attention to such requests, assigning to each person whose name, etc., is sent, a suitable correspondent; and these French correspondents write the first letter, in French, to their American friends, who on receiving the letters promptly reply in English. After these first letters the next letter from France

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