Consular Reports, August, 1897. Commerce, Manufactures, etc. Washington: Government Printing Office. Pp. 144.
Cooley, Le Roy C. The Student's Manual of Physics, for the Study Room and Laboratory. American Book Company. Pp. 418. $1.
Cushing, Frank Hamilton. A Preliminary Report on the Exploration of Ancient Key-Dweller Remains on the Gulf Coast of Florida Pp. 120.
Cushing, Frank Hamilton, and Morris, J. Cheston. Shamanism. Pp. 14.
Day, William C. The Stone Industry in 1896. United States Geological Survey. Pp. 126.
Dodge, Charles Richards. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Useful Fiber Plants of the World, including the Structural and Economical Classifications of Fibers. United Stales Department of Agriculture. Pp 361, with plates.
Galton, Francis. The Average Contribution of each Several Ancestor to the Total Heritage of the Offspring. Royal Society, London. Pp. 12.
Imperial University, Japan Journal of the College of Science. Vol. X, Part 2. Tokyo. Pp. 116, with plates.
Kenners, R. C. The Therapeutic Management of Certain Scrofulous Affections. Pp. 5.
Lewis, Margaret. Clymene Products. Sp. Nov. Boston Society of Natural History. Pp. 5, with plates.
Maltbie, Milo Le Roy. English Social Government of To-day. A Study of the Relations of Central and Local Government. New York: Columbia University. Pp. 296. $2.
Mays, Thomas J., M. D. Increase of Insanity and Consumption among the Negro Population of the South since the War. Pp. 13.
Morse, William H., Westfield, N. J. Opium. Pp. 6.
New York Public Library—Astor, Lenox, and Tilden Foundations. August, 1897. Pp. 36.
Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station. Fertilizers on a Clay Soil. Pp. 2.
Ohio State University. The College of Agriculture and Domestic Science, 1897-1898.
Palmer, T. S. Extermination of Noxious Animals by Bounties. United States Department of Agriculture. Pp. 16.
Princeton University. Graduate Department, Courses in Philosophy, 1897-'98. Pp. 4.
Redway, Jacques W. Natural Elementary Geography. American Book Company. Pp. 144. 50 cents.
Scientific Alliance of New York. Directory for 1897. Pp. 59. 25 cents.
Singer. Ignatius, and Berens, Lucius H. Some Unrecognized Laws of Nature. New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 311. $2.25.
Smith, Vannie E., M. D. Cerebral Hyperæmia. Pp. 6.
Starr, Frederick. The Little Pottery Objects of Lake Chapala, Mexico. University of Chicago. Pp. 27.—Study of the Criminal in Mexico. Pp. 17.
United States Fish Commission. Bulletin. Vol. XVI. Washington: Government Printing Office. Pp. 427.
United States Treasury Department. Notice to Mariners, for July, 1897. Pp. 16.
Weir, James. The Psychical Correlation of Religious Emotion and Sexual Desire. Owensboro, Ky. Pp. 32.
Whitman, C. O., and Wheeter, W. M., Editors. Zoölogical Bulletin Bimonthly. Vol. I, No. 1. Pp. 55. 75 cents. $3 a year.
Wright, Carroll D., and Weaver, Oren W., Editors. Bulletin of the Department of Labor. No 11, July, 1897. Government Printing Office. Pp. 156.
Youmans, E. L., Editor. The Culture Demanded by Modern Life. New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 473.
A Bunsen Burner for Acetylene.—An interesting item regarding the use of acetylene as a heating agent occurs in the Chemical News. A. E. Munby writes: "The cheap production of calcium carbide has placed a powerful illuminant within the reach of those who possess no gas supply, but so far little has been heard of the use of acetylene as a heating agent. Our laboratory is, so far as we know, the first to make use of the gas for this purpose. We employ a Bunsen burner of special dimensions, the tube being five millimetres in internal diameter. A slightly wider tube may be used, provided the mouth be curved inward, so that the actual exit does not exceed the diameter mentioned; if larger, the flame tends to strike down. The gas jet is very small, being only capable of delivering about one cubic foot of acetylene per hour under six inches water pressure, such a rate of consumption giving an ordinary working flame. The air holes and collar are arranged as in an ordinary Bunsen, the exact size of the former not being of much importance, provided they be large enough to admit the air required. A generator capable of giving gas under seven inches water pressure with the full number of burners in use is required. The heating effect of the flame is, of course, very great, enabling one to dispense with the blowpipe for some operations, such as small fusions. . . . It would seem that in practice, for equal volumes burned, the acetylene has nearly twice the heating power of coal gas."
Officers of the American Association.—At the recent Detroit meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Prof. F. W. Putnam resigned the office