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effect whatever on eommon proteids, he has made a study of the formation of albumin in plant cells, and finds there is a labile or active albumin in living matter chemically unlike the ordinary albumin stored in seeds and eggs. This exists as a reserve material in plants and undergoes chemical change by the same influences causing death to protoplasm. By many experiments it is shown that the chemical activity of cells is akin to the phenomena of catalysis. The conclusion is reached that there is an oscillation of atoms, or peculiar mode of motion, existing in labile proteids which is the source of vital activity; this being in its turn "but one of the vicissitudes of solar energy." (Keegan Paul, Trench, Trübner & Co., London.)

The Bureau of Navigation of the United States Navy Department has issued a chart of twelve colored plates showing a Classification of Clouds for the Weather Observers of the Hydrographic Office. It is for sale at 40 cents.


Agricultural Experiment Stations. Bulletins and Reports. Connecticut: Tests of Plant Food. Pp. 11.—Iowa: Stomach Worms affecting Sheep. Pp. 4.—New York: Sample Road Building. Pp. 2. North Dakota: Climate and Crop Service. June, 1897. Pp. 8.—Purdue University, Indiana: Formalin for Prevention of Potato Scab. Pp. 20.—United States Department of Agriculture: The San Jose Scale and its Nearest Allies. By T. D. A. Cockerill. Pp. 29.—Wyoming: The Composition of Prepared Cereal Foods. Pp. 16.

Archibald, Douglas. The Story of the Atmosphere. New York: D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 194. 40 cents.

Atwood, John. Constituents of the Universe. San Diego, Cal.: J. E. Friend. Pp. 65.

Abbe, Cleveland, Editor. Monthly Weather Review, April, 1897. Washington: United States Department of Agriculture. Pp. 64. 10 cents.

Bailey, L. H. The Principles of Fruit Growing. New York: The Macmillan Company. Pp. 508. $1.25.

Bell, Alexander Graham. The Science of Speech. Washington: The Volta Bureau. Pp. 56. 50 cents.

Bulletins, etc., of Scientific Societies. Colorado State Agricultural College: The Birds of Colorado. By W. W. Cooke. Pp. 14.3.—Field Columbian Museum, Chicago: List of Mammals from Somaliland. Pp. 155, with plates Tokyo, Zoological Society of: Annotationes Zoölogicæ Japonensis. Vol. I, Parts 1 and 2. Pp. 72.—University of Upsala, Sweden: Bulletin of the Geological Institution Edited by J. Sjögren. Vol. II, Part 2, No. 4. Pp. 172.

Christison, J. Sanderson, M. D. Crime and Criminals. Chicago: The W. T. Keener Company. Pp. 116. $1.

Clayton Air Compressor Works, New York. Compressed Air and the Clayton Air Compressors. Pp. 106.

College and School Catalogues, etc. Baltimore Medical College: Annual Announcement, 1897-'98. Pp. 31.—Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons: Announcement, 1897-'98. Pp. 57.—The Neff College of Oratory, Philadelphia: Booklet and Prospectus. Pp. 48.—State Normal School, Valley City, N. D.: Announcement, 1897-'98. Pp. 46.

Hepner, Adolf. Centenary of Faust Zueigung. Goethe's Dedication of Faust. The Author: 806 Chouteau Avenue, St. Louis. Pp. 16.

Hopkins, T. C, and Siebenthal, C. E. The Bedford Oölitic Limestone of Indiana. Indianapolis. Pp. 427.

Jones, Jenkin Lloyd. Ten Noble Poems. Chicago: Unity Publishing Company. Pp. 48. 25 cents.

Mathews, F. Schuyler. Familiar Features of the Roadside. New York; D. Appleton and Company. Pp. 209. $1.75.

Mystic Oral School. Report to the Legislature of Connecticut. Pp. 8.

Newman, K. Antisepsia Intestinal. Maniera de Realizarla (Intestinal Antiseptis; How to Effect it). Santiago de Chile. Pp 21.

New Orleans Catholic Monthly. Memorial Number of Archbishop Janssen. Pp. 27.

Reid, G. Archdall. The Present Evolution of Man. London: Chapman & Hall. Pp 307.

Reports and Memoirs. Alabama Geological Survey: The Valley Regions. By Henry McCalley. Part II. Coosa Valley, Montgomery. Pp. 862, with map.—The Fish and Fishes of the Coastal Waters of Florida. Washington: Fish Commission. Pp. 80.—Henry Draper Memorial. Miscellaneous Investigations. By H. C. Pickering and M. Fleming. Cambridge. Mass.: Harvard Observatory. Pp. 90, with plates.—Iowa Geological Survey. Vol. VI.: Lead, Zinc, Artesian Wells, etc. Pp. 487.—New Jersey: Annual Report of the State Geologist for 1896. Pp. 377, with maps.—Peabody Museum of American Archæology and Ethnology: Cave of Loltun, Yucatan. By Edward II. Thompson. Pp 24, with plate. Tennessee: Sixth Report of the Bureau of Labor, Statistics, and Mines, 1896. By A. H. Wood. Pp. 318.—Wisconsin: Sixteenth Report of the State Board of Health. Pp. 198.—United States Bureau of Ethnology: Fifteenth Annual Report, 1893-'94. Pp. 356.—United States Commissioner of Labor. Eleventh Annual Report, 1895-'96: Work and Wages of Men, Women, and Children. Pp. 671.—United States Life-Saving Service, 1896. Pp. 523.—United States Weather Bureau: Report of the Chief. Pp. 266.

Reprints. Davis, William Morris, and Curtis, G C. The Harvard Geographical Models. Boston: Society of Natural' History. Pp. 24, with plates.—Drummond, Andrew T.: Some Workingmen's Problems. Pp. 8.—Franklin Institute: Discussion on the Smoke Nuisance and its Regulation. Pp. 76.—Mearns, Edgar A.: Descriptions of Six New Mammals from North America. Pp. 6.—Merriam, C. Hart: A New Fur Seal or Sea Bear (Arctocephalus Townsendi) from Guadalupe Island, Lower California. Pp. 4.—Ries, Heinrich: The Fuller's Earth of South Dakota. Pp. 3; The Clays and Clay working Industry of Colorado. Pp. 5.—Shufeldt, R. D.: On Fossil Bird Bones obtained by Expeditions of the University of Pennsylvania from the Bone Caves of Tennessee. Pp. 6.

Rodkinson, Michael L. New Edition of the Babylonian Talmud. Vol. IV. New York: New Talmud Publishing Company. Pp. 40.

Taber, Henry M. Faith or Fact. New York: Peter Eckler. Pp. .347. $1.

The Temple. July, 1897. The Rosy Cross. By Rosicrucian. Denver, Col.: The Temple Publishing Company. Pp. 30. 10 cents.

Tucker, Oilman H. Education from a Publisher's Standpoint. American Book Company. Pp. 23.

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